Data on Protective Factors and Supportive Services

Safeguards for Youth Campaign Flier

Safeguards for Youth is a compilation of the latest data on promoting California children’s health and well-being. The data describe protective factors and supportive services, both of which are critical to building a solid foundation for life and addressing the effects of childhood adversity. Protective factors highlight the importance of preventive health care, a strong start in education, and a nurturing school community. Supportive services address adverse experiences such as health challenges, abuse, and family poverty. These data stress the urgency for advocacy and policy change to safeguard California’s future generations.

Explore these safeguards, identify disparities in your community, and take action. Most data are available by county, city, school district, or legislative district. Many indicators are also available by demographic groups. These data come from fifteen reputable sources including the California Department of Education, California Department of Health Care Services, National Survey of Children’s Health, and California Healthy Kids Survey.

See the complete list of Safeguards for Youth indicators »

Related Webinar

Image of Safeguards for Youth Briefing Title Slide Thank you for joining our discussion on the importance of adopting a prevention mind-set and using trauma-informed practices to avert and address adversity among children. The recording and slides are now available.

Data Focus Briefs

Protecting Babies Starts Before Birth
Image of California map of data on mothers who receive prenatal care in the first trimester Mothers who receive prenatal care in the first trimester increase their baby’s chances of a healthy birth and infancy. Learn more and see how your county is faring.
Protecting Children Involves All Caregivers
Image of Overnight and Weekend Child Care Data in California Enriching and positive early learning experiences can boost confidence, engagement, and skills, reinforcing a child’s long-term educational outcomes and well-being. Caregivers in child care settings and at home both play a key role in establishing this solid foundation. See the latest data on the availability of licensed child care centers in California.
Protecting Youth Requires Meaningful Relationships
Image of a bar graph showing the data for Caring Relationships with Adults at School Every child needs an adult who is both caring and supportive as well as attentive to basic needs. These relationships are most critical at home but are also important in all youth environments such as in school. See how students in your county feel about caring relationships.
Supporting Children Through Health Challenges
Image of a pie chart displaying the usual source of health care among California children from 2015 to 2016 Children receive care from a complex system of clinics, hospitals, schools, and more. Important measures of this broad system of care include how often these health care services are accessed, why they are used, and to what extent they are adequate. See the latest data.
Supporting Youth Who Experience Abuse
Image of trend graph for Timely Medical Exams for California Children in Foster Care from 1998 to 2019 One in four foster youth do not receive timely medical care. See the latest data and learn how the foster care system system is a critical safeguard for youth.
Supporting Families Through Economic
Image of the Table of data for the Poverty Reducing Effects of the Social Safety Net in California According to the California Poverty Measure from 2014-2016 Based on the California Poverty Measure, social safety net programs reduced child poverty by an estimated 14 percentage points in 2014-2016. See how much programs like tax credits and supplemental nutrition contribute to reducing poverty.

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